Edition One is Here! “The Unknown Threat to American Democracy”

August 1, 20230

Read the full report HERE.

Imagine a tool embedded deep inside our Constitution designed to safeguard American democracy. Now imagine that same tool being weaponized against the very constitution and democracy it was designed to protect.

My first independent research report, “The Unknown Threat to American Democracy,” delves into the ambiguity of the Article V Constitutional Convention (AVCC), a lesser-known provision that could fundamentally reshape our rights, our country, and our democracy. The report presents a broad analysis of AVCC, shedding light on its original intent, its past influence on Congressional action, its vulnerabilities, and the current attempts at its invocation.

Historically, AVCC was designed as a safeguard against power concentration, providing a mechanism for states to propose and ratify constitutional amendments without the involvement of Congress. However, the report reveals how AVCC’s vagueness may ironically cause the power concentration it was designed to prevent. AVCC’s invocation is now closer to success than ever before, largely due to a new wave of funding, lobbying, and astroturfing operations fuelled by special interests and dark money.


The report introduces the term “Constitutional Convention Invocation Movement” (CCIM) to describe the group of special interests and advocacy organizations pushing for a two-thirds majority of states to call an Article V Constitutional Convention. It uncovers the dark money flow that benefits these proponents and highlights the risk of a runaway convention which would threaten American democracy. The report also delves into the role of prominent advocacy groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and the Convention of States (COS) who are pushing for AVCC invocation. It uncovers their funding sources, their influence on state legislatures, and their potential impact on the democratic process through AVCC.

However, the report does not simply identify the problem—it offers a call to action! It demands for a comprehensive review of AVCC and the passage of the Stop Article V Exploitation Act (the SAVE Act) to prevent AVCC from being abused. This would ensure that AVCC continues to serve its original purpose while mitigating the risks associated with its invocation.

The full version of the report is available HERE.

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